

CvIn represents an analog CV input.



module Example {
   control vco_amp CvIn {           // 1.
      position 19.2mm, 111mm        // 2.
      style knurled                 // 3.
      label "AMP"                   // 4.
      mode bipolar                  // 5.
      normalling vco_amp2           // 6.
      pin AdcPin1                   // 7.
  1. Creates a CV input control with name vco_amp,

  2. Sets the control position on the front panel,

  3. Sets the optional style of the control,

  4. Sets the optional label for the control, using its default theme positioning,

  5. Sets the optional mode for the control, bipolar by default,

  6. Sets the optional normalling control for the control,

  7. Sets the optional physical board pin to use. If not set, the system will choose it automatically.

Nuts and washers photos are from the Thonk shop.


CvIn is a type that abstracts a physical CV input block.

struct Example
   ExampleUi ui;
   void process () {
      float vco_amp = ui.vco_amp;   // 1.
  1. Retrieves the normalised (in the 0.f to 1.f range) or bipolar (in the -1.f to 1.f range) floating-point value.

erbui Control Reference

control definition

control <name> CvIn { ... }

Where <name> is the name of the control. More details can be found in control documentation.

position property

position <x>, <y>

Sets the position of the control, where the axis origin is the top-left corner. The x axis is oriented from left to right, and the y axis is oriented from top to bottom.

The position component values are expressed with their unit, either mm or hp.


position 2hp, 15mm

More details can be found in position documentation.

style optional property

style <keywords>

Where <keywords> is one of:

  • knurled (this is the default if not specified),

  • hex.

More details can be found in style documentation.

label optional property

label "<text>"

Where <text> is the text displayed. More details can be found in label documentation.

mode optional property

mode defines the electrical range used on the jack connector input.

mode <name>

Where <name> is one of:

  • bipolar, ±5V, this is the default value,

  • normalized, from 0V to 5V.

More details can be found in mode documentation.

c++ Member Functions Synopsys



operator float

Returns the bipolar CV value

c++ Member Functions

operator float

operator float () const;

Returns the normalised (in the 0.f to 1.f range) or bipolar (in the -1.f to 1.f range) floating-point value.